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Teaching program

Polish School named after Maria Skłodowska-Curie offers lessons for all levels of Polish language knowledge and for age groups from kindergarten to the 3rd grade of high school.


The Polish language teaching program is prepared based on:


The topics and scope of the program for catechetical classes in Polish have been developed based on the program requirements of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The spiritual guardian is Fr. Stanisław Jankowski C.R. The reception of the Sacraments - First Holy Communion and Confirmation - takes place in the Basilica of St. Jacek. St. Basilica Jacek Our teachers also prepare for the Polish language certificate exam and the Seal of Biliteracy.

  • core curriculum for Polish schools developed by the Association of Polish Teachers in America,
  • core curriculum for various levels of advancement developed by the Department of Polish as a Foreign Language,
  • the latest achievements in the field of glottodidactics dealing with teaching Polish as a foreign language,
  • guidelines for speech therapy in teaching Polish,
  • original programs.

The topics and scope of the program for catechetical classes in Polish have been developed based on the program requirements of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The spiritual guardian is Fr. Stanisław Jankowski C.R. The reception of the Sacraments - First Holy Communion and Confirmation - takes place in the Basilica of St. Jacek.

Basilica of St. Jacek

Our teachers also prepare for the Polish language certificate exam and the Seal of Biliteracy.